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My approach

“We are all faced with great opportunities,

brilliantly disguised as impossible situations”

– inspired by Charles R. Swindoll

I reach out to you with clear glasses that help turn complex ‘impossible’ situations into surprising opportunities. However, making the invisible visible is not a flu or abstract given. I work in a hands-on and pragmatic way, as the image above suggests. We start with your reality and adapt the available tools and methods to work best in your specific context. The focus can be on your own development, or the development of your team or organisation.


Individual trajectory:

As a leader, you will have a number of individual sessions with me as an external coach (2-hour sessions) at an agreed location. The number of sessions depends on your specific coaching goals and will typically include 5 to 8 sessions. Executives often choose a trajectory over several years due to the complexity of their role and mission.

Individual trajectory based on a 360-degree feedback exercise:

Using either a quantitative or qualitative approach, we interview a range of stakeholders about your leadership style. Based on this input, we design your development path. As a leader, you will have a series of individual sessions (2 hours each) at an agreed location to work together on these objectives.

Mediation process:

Those involved in a conflict have one or more individual coaching sessions with me, after which I bring them together in a collaborative discussion. The aim is to reach a common goal and to ensure that everyone involved reflects on their own role in the conflict. Depending on the severity of the conflict, individual and group discussions alternate. The ultimate goal of the process is to ensure that those involved can work together again.


Team development:

As a leader, you and your team will have a series of sessions with me as an external coach. These are sessions of ½ or 1 day. The number of sessions depends on the number of development goals for your team. In between the team sessions, you as the leader will have an individual debriefing with me.

Team process for the executive or management team:

The executive or management team has several sessions with me as an external coach at an agreed location. These are sessions of 1/2 or 1 day. The number of sessions depends on the intended development rganiz top of the organisation. In between the team moments, you as CEO or top manager will have an individual debriefing with me.

Leadership program:

A group of leaders from your organization follows a six-month to one-year program. This includes monthly group moments and individual coaching sessions for the leaders involved. At the start of the leadership program, each leader sets his or her coaching goals. This is a journey where leaders gain insight, search for deeper meaning and take action, and share their learnings in the group. We learn through a process of peer coaching and intervision.


Organisational trajectory:

We work with an organisation’s executive or management team on a range of organisational development objectives. These might include changing the culture of the organisation, developing leadership through leadership profiles and 360 degree feedback exercises, working on staff resilience, or the division of labour and roles between departments and teams. For larger projects I work with partners who share the same spirit as Impact Coaching.